Sweetest Dog Was Found With 8-Pound Chain Embedded Around His Neck

No one knows exactly where Figaro the dog came from, but one thing is for sure — he was chained up his entire life. 

Figaro was brought into a local vet’s office by someone claiming they had found him as a stray. When he was brought in, Figaro was wearing an 8-pound chain that was embedded so deeply into his neck that in certain spots, it was barely visible. The vet's office unfortunately didn’t have a doctor onsite who could treat Figaro that day, and so he was picked up by animal control and taken to the Davidson County Animal Shelter. 

After examining him, shelter staffers decided that Figaro was too big of a case for them to handle on their own. They contacted the Davidson County Animal Alliance to see if rescuers there could take him on, and they immediately agreed. They got Figaro into their care as quickly as possible so they could go about removing the chain that was clearly causing him so much pain. 

“Figaro is a little over a year old, and based on how deeply the chain was embedded, he's worn it all of his life,” Paula Barkley of the Davidson County Animal Alliance told The Dodo. 

The rescue got Figaro into surgery as quickly as possible, and the heavy chain was successfully removed. From the moment the chain was off of him, Figaro immediately seemed to feel so much better — and seemed so grateful to everyone around him for finally freeing him. 

“Figaro is a very sweet, humble, and gentle dog,” Barkley said. “He definitely knew our team and the veterinary team were there to help him. He's doing great since his surgery yesterday afternoon. Two of our team members visited him this morning and were greeted by his wonderful hound dog howling bark.” 

Figaro still has a ways to go in terms of recovery, as the chain left him with a deep wound and a serious infection. His treatment is going well, though, and his spirits seem to lift more and more with every moment. 

The shelter is not sure when he’ll be up for adoption, as he’ll need to heal completely before he can go home with his forever family. The rescue is determined to take the best care of him until then, and won’t rest until he’s the happiest, healthiest dog anyone has ever seen. 

“Obviously his condition has improved with removal of the chain, and we will make sure he has everything he needs to make a full and complete recovery,” Barkley said.

If you’d like to help with Figaro’s care, you can donate to the Davidson County Animal Alliance.

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